An Unplanned Hike in Upstate New York

Lost in the Woods: an Unplanned Hike in Upstate New York

This year, since I’ve just graduated and entered what people affectionately call “the Real World”, I was able to take my first business travel! I know, I know… “business” and “travel” put together don’t exactly sound glamorous, but to me it means one thing: I got to see a new place on someone else’s dime, and that’s always a win in my book! Specifically, I … Continue reading Lost in the Woods: an Unplanned Hike in Upstate New York

12 Scenic Drives in the American West

After driving 4500 miles around the American West last August, I thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite parts of the drive. We saw some really gorgeous parts of the country during those 10 days, and we’ve compiled a list of some of our very favorite drives–winding roads with gorgeous scenery, inspiring outlooks, and opportunities for viewing wildlife. A few of … Continue reading 12 Scenic Drives in the American West

American West Road Trip Itinerary: 10 days, 9 states & 6 national parks

American West Road Trip: 10 Days, 9 States & 6 National Parks

In August 2015, Ryan and set off on a 4500-mile road trip through some of America’s greatest national parks and the American West’s most beautiful natural areas. We affectionately called it our “Epic American Road Trip”. We traversed nine states and visited six national parks over the ten days of our trip. I wanted to share a brief itinerary of what we saw and did … Continue reading American West Road Trip: 10 Days, 9 States & 6 National Parks

10 Free & Cheap Edinburgh Attractions

It’s getting close to the three year anniversary (really? three years!?) of my trip to Europe, and since Edinburgh was my favorite city of the three that we visited, I’ve been reminiscing about it a bit and wanted to share some tips on how to have a fun trip to Edinburgh on a budget! I’m hoping to go back to Edinburgh in a few years … Continue reading 10 Free & Cheap Edinburgh Attractions

Random Thoughts on Solo Travel

Solo Travel and especially, Female Solo Travel are some super big buzzwords in the travel industry of late, so I thought I’d put in my two cents. I’ve never gone on a trip completely alone, but I’ve definitely spent time alone while traveling, flown alone to visit people, and in general spent lots of time going it solo while traveling, especially after my Cuba trip. … Continue reading Random Thoughts on Solo Travel